Sunday, May 17, 2020

Child Labor Childhood, Emotional, And Spiritual...

Child labor can cause children to have mental, emotional, and spiritual development for the children. In 2012, 44.6 million children of Asia are working at factories at the age of 5-17. At the same year, 11.6 percent of the children from China were in child labor at ages 10-14. Child labor affects the child’s education, which will cause them to be uneducated which will also affect their future. Some of the children in child labor might even die because they do not get enough sleep and does not get full each meal because of dangerous working conditions. Some children wake up early to work but does not stop working until very late at night. Children do not get the pay they deserve even when they are very poor and needs these money for their family. Many children are in child labor because their families are poor and can not afford for them to go to school, which will affect their education and also their future. Most of the children who are in child labor live on the countryside , which is poor. Families in the countryside do not have enough money to pay for health care or might not have enough money to raise a child. Many families in this situation would choose to sell their children to factories or to work as slaves. After the child is sold, the family members will not know how much pain the child is in. If the child did not listen to the owner, the child would get punished, either whipped or be beaten hardly with a shovel. Children who were in child labor lived in a small,Show MoreRelatedChild Labor : Childhood, Emotional, And Spiritual Development For Children3105 Words   |  13 PagesChild labor can cause children to have mental, emotional, and spiritual development for the children. In 2012, 44.6 million children of Asia are working at factories at the age of 5-17. At the same year, 11.6 percent of the children from China were in child labor at ages 10-14. 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